How to Make Money with Your Brand, Part Two

In the last couple of weeks we’ve talked about why your brand matters as a lawyer, and how you can begin to understand and take control of your brand.

Specifically, last week we talked in depth about assessing your brand as it currently exists and then defining the brand you’d like to create moving forward. Today, we’ll look at practical steps to make this happen. For illustration purposes, imagine that this is the brand identity you want to create for your law practice: We want to be perceived as the go-to divorce team for high-net-worth women in Charlotte, North Carolina. We balance tenacity in the courtroom with empathy and compassion for women going through a life-changing divorce. We understand the emotional turmoil your feeling, we understand how high the stakes are, and we will fight hard to protect your kids and your lifestyle.

In this statement, we’ve defined a narrow target market and zeroed in on the marketing message that will differentiate our fictional firm from the thousands of other attorneys in Charlotte.

So, step one is to filter all marketing and communications through that prism. This includes your website, your social media presence, your networking elevator pitch, and all other marketing materials. Everything from the photos on your website to the font selection in your brochure to the layout of your business cards should be selected with your brand objectives in mind. I recognize that this is a big undertaking – but that’s what it takes. Invest the time necessary to bring your marketing and communication channels into alignment with the brand you’re seeking to create.

Next, take steps to create credibility in your specific niche. In our fictional example, I’d encourage the lawyers in the firm to consider:

  • Launching a blog specifically focused on providing information and resources to high-net worth women contemplating divorce
  • Focusing their social media presence on the same message
  • Writing articles for local publications that target their demographic
  • Gaining media exposure on the radio and on TV – become a recognized commentator on celebrity divorce for example
  • Launch a podcast
  • Hold regular events for women – from informational lunch n learn style events to relaxing spa days for clients
  • Look for speaking opportunities with groups and organizations that target their demographic
  • Publish a book focused on helping women prepare for and recover from divorce

Again, this won’t happen overnight. And it can be hard to accomplish any of this when you’re busy with the day-to-day work of serving clients and running your practice. But it’s worth dedicating a few hours to create a strategic plan for your branding and marketing efforts.

As you begin to demonstrate your credibility, start leveraging your authority within your marketing communications. Feature your podcast prominently on your website. If you’ve appeared on TV or on the radio, promote your appearances on your social media channels. Create a promotional campaign to celebrate your book launch. Feature magazine articles you’ve written in your office and in your reception area.

Over time, this is how you take control of your brand and turn it into a profitable tool for your law practice. The bottom line is that you’re facing a lot of competition out there – and your brand can be your “secret weapon” that allows you to stand out from the crowd and earn a great living. Hopefully this series helped you to create a game-plan and some action steps to get started. Don’t feel pressure to accomplish all of this quickly. Instead, focus on creating a plan and then taking steps (they can be baby-steps!) towards your objective.

If you’d like to know how we can help you with this process, please click here to schedule a call with my team today.


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Daniel Decker

Daniel Decker is a co-founder and Partner at Spotlight Branding. In addition to helping lawyers stand out from the crowd, he spends his time writing, dreaming up new marketing strategies, and coming up with catchy subject lines. In his spare time, Daniel enjoys playing sports, guitar, politics, and Minnesota sports.