Social Media Marketing: What Should I Post on Social Media?

You’ve got a Facebook page and a Twitter profile. But… what should you be doing with it? Many of the professionals and business owners we work with aren’t sure exactly what type of content they should be posting through their social media presence.

In this blog entry, we’re going to go over a brief list of the common “categories” of content we recommend posting. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and not every category will be appropriate for your particular brand, but we hope this will be a helpful starting point:

1) Blogs and articles that you have published. Hopefully, you have a blog and are writing new content regularly. These blog entries are tremendously valuable in establishing your expertise and in forging relationships with prospects and clients. So use your social media presence to get the word out! Do your best to create engaging titles that will encourage your audience to actually read the blog!

2) Blogs and articles published by others that provide value to your audience. In addition to your own blogs and articles, mix in content published by others. Two basic rules to keep in mind: Make sure that the information is valuable to your audience – that it is worth their time to read. And second, stay away from posting content from direct competitors, especially if it features a call to action or sales pitch.

3) Jokes and other light-hearted content that is relevant to your brand and your audience. Unless your brand is “all business, all the time”, your social media presence is a great opportunity to lighten the mood and let your personality shine through. Make sure it’s relevant – as a tax lawyer, sharing IRS jokes could work well.

4) Photos (or video!) of you and your team on the job. Do you ever speak to an audience? Make sure to get someone to snap a few photos and share them on social media! Keep an eye around the office for photo opportunities that give your audience the opportunity to see “behind the scenes.” Obviously, only post photos that reinforce your brand and make your business look good!

5) Breaking news that is relevant to your audience. You want to be perceived as “in the loop” with developments in your industry, and one way to build this perception is by posting breaking news that matters to your audience. Returning to our example of a tax attorney, posting about recent changes to the tax code (or proposed changes being debated in Congress) is a great way to provide valuable information to your audience while reinforcing your own expertise.

6) Promotions of specific products and services. Finally, you’ll want to mix in direct promotions of your products or services. Make sure to include a compelling call-to-action with each post. And while these posts are an important part of the mix, you want to be sure that they’re not the majority. If your audience feels that you’re more interested in promoting yourself than in providing value, they will quickly tune you out.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us today if you’d like to learn more!

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!

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