Picture your business caught up in the chaos of a disaster – may it be natural or manmade. Panic-stricken employees, clients bombarding you with questions, and a leadership team that is clueless about what to do next. Sounds like a situation you never want to be in, right? That’s why we’re talking with Jeffrey Weiss, founder of the Disaster Preparedness Network.
Jeffrey provides an overview of disaster preparedness – from setting up leadership structures to training responses to an active shooter situation. He reveals how the networks you develop can be leveraged to foster a community of preparedness and resilience.
Jeffrey also sheds light on how businesses can mitigate liability risks by investing in disaster management. In a world where disasters are no longer anomalies but rather frequent occurrences, being unprepared could lead to potential litigation and damage to reputation.
If you’d like to set up disaster processes in your firm, give Jeffrey and his team a call at (818) 624-4242 or email him directly at jeff@PreparednessTV.info.
BONUS: For Center Stage subscribers, Jeffrey is offering a free active shooter training course, which you can access by visiting https://training.preparednesstv.info/as-appointment. Even more, Jeffrey is offering his book, 60 Ways to Reward your teams, and your partner for being of value, for free by clicking here: https://tpn.mastermind.com/opt_in/2262
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