Well I really love this question. The first thing you need to hear is there’s no magic perfect answer to this where you can snap your fingers and all of the sudden you’re first on Google and if any marketing company tries to guarantee you they can do all of these things, well, you really need to ask them how in the world they can guarantee that because no one, even an Internet marketing company has full control over where someone can show up. Okay?
Now the answer to the question is that there are a lot of things that you can do to optimize what you’re doing online, to optimize your Web site so that it shows up better in search engine results. Typically you need to expect that whatever you’re going to do is going to be some sort of ongoing service. There’s no such thing as I optimize my Web site one time, I paid this much amount one time and now it’s great. Okay, anything you’re going to do that’s going to improve your search engine result is going to be some sort of monthly service. So to answer that question you’re looking at some sort of monthly service for SEO and that’s going to help your law firm show up high on Google and you’ve got to test things out.
Some companies are going to produce different results than others. To be honest, it’s kind of a crap shoot sometimes but I would also encourage you to think about the true value for your firm because some people get more benefit from people searching online than others and I’d really encourage you to also understand that there’s more to Internet marketing than just where you show up on Google and that would be a good conversation to have internally as well as with your marketing company is thinking more about the Internet and what it can do for you other than just Google. But there are a lot of factors that go into where you show up first or if you show up first and that’s everything from content to video to social media to blogging, back-linking; there’s just a multitude of things that go into that and that’s really why there’s SEO companies out there because they get it and they know how to do it.
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