Well video is definitely a great way to improve your Web site, remember your Web site’s primary aim should be to enhance your credibility, to further someone’s impression of you as a trusted leader or expert in your practice area so video is just another way you can do that on your Web site.
We like to recommend to our clients to use video to answer common questions, to talk about topics that client’s would be interested in not necessarily to do a commercial or something like that that goes on the Web site.
Okay, so maybe do a video FAQ series or something like that where in each short video, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, longer if you’d like, but where you actually provide an answer to a common question prospects have that way when someone’s browsing through your Web site they’re like, oh wow, this person knows what they’re talking about, they’re answering the kind of questions that I have and then also video helps make a personal connection because someone can hear you, see you and it’s a lot better than reading through somebody’s Web site so using Web site can certainly enhance the visitor experience. I’m sorry, using video on your Web site can certainly enhance the visitor experience.
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