Well when you asked the question, how can Internet marketing help you grow your law firm let’s think about what most people kind of know about marketing already, kind of what are some of the things that work? Well, building a good rapport with people, staying in touch with people, staying top-of-mind these are the kind of things that increase referrals; a lot of which you’ve probably done already with your current clients and colleagues and contacts.
So the Internet is no different, right? You actually do want to ask yourself how can Internet marketing help me do that better? How can Internet marketing help me stay in touch with people better? Things like email newsletters and social media because that can actually increase referrals as well.
Then of course you look at things like Google and search results. You may want to ask yourself are there a good percentage of prospects or potential prospects out there that search online? If so, then you might want to kind of consider where are they searching and how can I show up in those different spaces?
But then really the overall one that we really think is kind of building your brand and building your credibility through Internet marketing, your Web site and everything else you’re doing should really serve to enhance your image, to further your credibility because regardless of where a prospect comes from, whether a referral, Google or whatever, your Web site should help sell you and your business to them and that ultimately is going to make your job easier on the backend when you’re actually interacting with that person. It’s going to make an impression on them as well and that ultimately can lead to business development and growth for your firm.
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