Well when it comes to getting your feet wet with Internet marketing the first steps are really going to be around your Web site because anything else you do online; social media, blog, anything else, should all be built around your Web site as kind of the main central element of your Internet marketing strategy. So if you don’t think that your Web site is great, and I mean great, not just okay or it gets the job done, your Web site should be great. It should impress you and make you feel good about what other people think of it when they come to see it because that says something about you and about your business.
So start with your Web site but you need to know in the long run that if you don’t do more than just have a Web site it’s going to be hard to really get a return from Internet marketing.
So I always tell my clients it’s okay to want to get your feet wet and dabble here and there, maybe try social media, try this or that but if you try only a little bit it’s — sometimes the results get a little bit jaded because the way Internet marketing works is kind of the whole idea of exponential growth. The more that you’re doing, the more places you put yourself, meaning your blog, you do video, you do social media, you do email newsletters, by doing those things you’re kind of casting a larger net and what typically happens is we see more of an exponential rate of return for our clients. The clients that just want to dabble and start off slow and get their feet wet I’m not saying you can’t see a return and that they don’t but you have to understand it’s going to be a lot slower and actually a lot more riskier when you’re only getting your feet wet versus sometimes it might be better to try out kind of a more robust solution where you’re casting a wider net so that hopefully you see some of those results faster and can actually get a better idea of what the Internet does for you but either way you need to start with your Web site; don’t go spending money on Internet marketing when your Web site isn’t awesome.
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