A big yes is the answer to this question. I can’t tell you how many times I interact with attorneys, other professionals that all they care about is Google, Google, Google and showing up on the first page and look, listen, I understand honestly it’s a lot of my industries fault. It’s kind of all that we’ve been preaching for a long time, like that’s all that matters on the Internet. Now, listen, disclaimer, let me say, does that matter? Absolutely! Especially if people are searching online for what you do then that’s great but even if they are or aren’t there’s so much more the Internet can do for you than just being found on Google and SEO. So I really encourage you to open up your mind a little bit to what else the Internet can do for you.
A couple of quick examples; one, is the Internet should be something that really enhances your credibility, that furthers the impression that you have on a referral or someone that finds you online because they eventually end up at your Web site or checking our whatever else you might be doing online whether it’s videos or blogging or newsletters. All of these things are actually going to serve to kind of communicate your abilities, your credibility, your expertise to people and so that’s kind of Marketing 101, right, is building up your image in people’s minds.
So the Internet really needs to be a tool that does that for you and it can even be a tool that increases referrals; again, a very different thing than trying to get leads from Google, right?
Referrals is about tapping into your network more effectively and through social media, email, newsletters and more you can actually use Internet marketing to increase referrals through how you stay in touch with those people using the Internet. So there’s a lot more the Internet can do for you than just Google and just search results and it’s really important to think about that strategically and find a marketing company that gets that.
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