This is honestly one of my favorite questions that I get when it comes to you get most of your business through referrals so why would the Internet matter, why would Internet marketing matter? Tons of reasons and none of them are BS, I promise!
Let me tell you about a few. Let’s just start with the fact that you get most of your business through referrals. There are statistics out there that still say the majority of your customers and clients that are willing to refer aren’t and that’s typically because of some lack of staying in touch or staying top-of-mind so for starters the Internet, Internet marketing, is actually a tool that you can use to stay better connected with people. You can use things like social media, email newsletters, blogs, video, you can actually use these tools to stay connected and stay top-of-mind with people.
We see a lot of our clients actually get more referrals because of Internet marketing so imagine if you’re already getting the majority of your business from that, from referrals, and you tap into that even more but then also remember that a lot of these referrals are still going to check you out online, they’re still going to want to go to your Web site, kind of learn more about you so your Web site and anything else you might be doing online reinforces your expertise to them or it might make the opposite impression and not do much for you.
But ultimately that’s going to help you out in a lot of ways too. If someone visits your Web site and feels pretty good about you, it impresses them, that’s going to help you close with them, it should help you charge the rates that you want if not even higher rates. It’s going to overall affect the impression that people have of you and your firm. It’s not the only thing that’s going to affect that impression but it’s certainly one of the things so it’s really important to understand that referrals are still going to go to your Web site and look you up. It’s also important to understand that the Internet can actually help you get more referrals and don’t lose track of the fact that things are headed in the long run more and more to people going to the Internet for their business.
So it certainly doesn’t hurt to get out in front of that just in case your business model ever does change at all but even if it doesn’t those other reasons are still pretty big deals.
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