Well this is always a fun question to answer when it comes to am I really going to get business from social media. I mean, first of all the answer is yes, you could, I mean, even just internally we have some clients that get business from social media and for others not so much but it benefits them in other ways.
So to answer the question directly, yes you can and that can happen because, simply put, a lot of people spend time on social media. So social media is a medium that you can advertise and gain exposure from so there are times you get a client from it but it’s also just keep this in mind. There’s just an expectation that any professional business is going to be on social media today. It’s the hottest thing on the Internet.
So I think just having a presence on social media helps meet an expectation. If someone is looking you up online to learn more about you and they want to go beyond just your Web site they may check out your social media accounts and if you’re posting information about what you do then that’s great because that’s going to reinforce kind of your expertise to them.
So social media could from time to time create new clients for you but it’s also a tool that in which can kind of reinforce your expertise, that meets an expectation and it can even help you stay connected with people you already know because social media is all about being connected, right? So your social media can even help you stay connected with people which could actually increase referrals and that’s another way you could get business.
So you’re not always going to know that your business came directly from social media but it’s certainly something that can help the process of referrals getting more clients and stuff like that.
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