Well, this is a dream come true of a question for anyone in Internet marketing because you always want your clients to understand that they have a role in this too. There isn’t just some magic button that we press and then all of the sudden the Internet does all of these wonderful things for you. It’s really important to understand that you play a role as well. That includes things like making sure you get yourself out there and you network and you build your contact database so that then that contact database can receive your email newsletter or connect with you on social media.
It’s also important to make sure that if you have an Internet presence that really impresses people and gives them an impression that you’re an expert, that you’re a go-to leader in your practice area, make sure that impression is carried all the way through, right? When they arrive at your office they have a high-quality professional experience. Obviously the service that they receive is also high quality because that’s going to then turn around and that’s going to result in referrals down the road as well.
So the best thing that you can do is playing your role is just making sure that you take care of everything on your end, that you run your business or your firm well and that you do your best to grow kind of your sphere of influence, your contacts, you know, approving things in a reasonable amount of time, helping your marketing company. You know, keep the ball rolling on things but the one thing that we like to say is that we make our clients look like rock stars. At the end of the day we flip the lights on but they still have to perform, right?
So we can turn the lights on but you still have to play your roll, right? So have that conversation with your marketing company, ask them what you can do that’s going to help their efforts be better and I think that overtime that that will benefit both parties and it will ultimately grow your firm.
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