The first thing to consider when it comes to your Web site honestly is just the design. It doesn’t end there but the conversation needs to start there. The average person can honestly typically tell whether or not you paid to have your Web site done or if your nephew did it for you ten years ago. You want to make sure you have something that looks good, that looks professional, looks modern, looks new, looks like you actually cared about it. So do pay attention to kind of the design and the feel of the Web site to make sure it looks high quality. If it looks high quality that says that you’re high quality and if I hire you I’m getting high quality. So start with the design.
But there are a lot of other elements or pieces of your Web site you should consider to kind of really put it over the top and hopefully impress somebody. Doing things like having well-done video on your Web site, maybe you just introduce yourself through video or you answer some common questions that people might have about your practice area. Include some free resources like a report or something that people could download. Maybe include some testimonials. So there’s some different things you can do with content, blogging, video, testimonials, things like that so that when somebody’s browsing through your Web site they quickly realize this is the right person for the need that I have and that’s ultimately going to help them walk away impressed.
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