Well I always love the ROI question and it’s no different when it comes to social media. I mean, so the first thing you have to understand is that with any Internet strategy there’s multiple benefits that any of them should provide to you. So the obvious question would be say well, is social media going to give me clients and it might, we have some clients that get business from social media so that is possible.
You know, but social media also meets an expectation that you’re going to be on social media because most businesses are. It also gives you a place to stay connected with people so really assessing the ROI question gets kind of complicated. You can certainly track things like how many likes did I get or how many people saw this post or tweet and that’s kind of nice because that’s exposure, right?
If you’re going to put up a billboard or a do a commercial you want to know how many people are going to see it and that’s part of how you track that ROI is exposure but really there are some things that you really honestly can’t ask the ROI question. You have to really look at it as this is part of building my brand, this is part of staying connected with people.
I don’t know if the direct ROI is going to come from this alone but when I’m doing social media and I’m doing these other things it kind of all comes together to help my firm grow. So sometimes it’s hard to attribute something to social media alone but there are times that you can get clients from it, it actually can help referrals as well so there are some benefits you can get from social media but the ROI question does get a little tricky and you should know that going in.
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