Well, I mean, there’s a few things I think we could talk about here but I’ll kind of zero in on a few that I think are most important. Let’s talk about the Internet mainly, I think the first mistake a lot of lawyers make is the fact that all they think that matters on the Internet is Google and search results and people finding them online. There’s a couple of things that you need to understand about that. First of all, to be honest, it’s a crapshoot. I mean, sometimes you might get good leads online, sometimes they might be terrible and if they’re terrible then your people on your firm have to waste their time kind of trying to weed out these not so good prospects and things like that.
But also I think that the biggest mistake by focusing on search results only is you’re missing out on so much more of what the Internet can do for you. The Internet should be a tool that really reinforces your expertise and your credibility, that impresses prospects and referrals when they look you up online. The Internet is also a tool that you can use to stay connected and top-of-mind with your contacts and your referral sources and actually increase referrals.
So I would say the biggest mistake that most law firms and professionals make when it comes to marketing especially the Internet is focusing too much on Google and search results by itself and not taking kind of a larger approach to what the Internet can do for them.
Other than that the other mistakes are thinking that any marketing that they’re implementing is a magic bullet that’s going to kind of work on its own. No matter what Internet marketing you’re doing or what billboard or commercial you have, you still need to play your part, you still need to get out there and network, present yourself well, handle prospects appropriately when they come into your office, kind of realize that everything you do is marketing, how you carry yourself, how you network, all of that is marketing and so one of the mistakes I do see sometimes is that people just kind of think they push a button, they hire a marketing firm but they don’t kind of play their role as well.
So those are the couple of things that I would keep in mind.
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