Well there are a handful of benefits that come from having a blog. The first is that all of that content in a blog is searchable so let’s say you blog about common questions that your prospects might have or common topics they’re facing. Well, if they go online and they’re actually just searching about that topic or about a question that they have, they may very well find your blog which in your blog should be on your Web site which means they ultimately find your Web site.
So all of that is searchable content and also if you don’t have a blog on your Web site it’s kind of hard to have new or updated content so a blog on your Web site also helps your Web site feel current and new; so there’s a couple of benefits there.
Another one is that a blog is an opportunity to demonstrate some level of insight or some level of focus on a particular practice area or areas so when someone arrives at your Web site and is looking through your Web site it certainly doesn’t hurt when there’s a blog there and they can scan the blog topics and get a pretty clear idea of what it is you focus on, what it is that you’re good at and they can typically do this without even reading any of the articles. So a blog is also a way for you to kind of reinforce some of your credibility.
And then finally you can turn around and use your blog content other places online, it gives you something to share on social media that would actually be of value to somebody other than just promoting your business on social media, you’re saying, hey, here’s a blog article, I hope you find it helpful or informative.
You know, blog articles can also be used in an email newsletter so that you’re not just sending out an email newsletter announcing your new hire or announcing that you won a case but instead you’re sending out a newsletter with information that could actually be helpful to the people that receive it.
So there are a handful of benefits from having a blog and that’s why it’s really important that you begin to use one and use one in the right ways.
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