2 Types of Content to Create (and 1 to Avoid at All Costs)

Imagine you’re sitting at your desk with the light of your computer screen blazing in front of you. You have to write a blog post, record a podcast episode, or make a social media statement before the end of the hour. So, what do you talk about? 

If your mental self is stuck staring at a blank screen, don’t worry — you’re not the only one. One of the most common questions clients ask us is, “What should my content be about?” Fortunately, the answer is easier than you think. 

There are two types of content that people want to read: 

  1. Content related to what you do 
  2. Content that helps them get to know you personally 

The first type is the most important. Sharing your knowledge in the form of tips, advice, and success stories is the best way to boost your reputation and position yourself as an expert. The more articles and podcasts you publish related to your practice areas, the more knowledgeable and experienced you’ll appear. People want to do business with experts! 

To generate ideas for that kind of content, try reverse engineering a question you hear every day. For an employment lawyer, a good blog topic might be “Can my boss fire me if I don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine?” You can also pull inspiration from situations your clients have been in, or problems you’ve faced in recent cases. Ultimately, this content should communicate to readers that 1) they can trust you, and 2) you’ll do a good job for them. 

The second type of content includes things like recommendations of businesses you like, tips on how to make a great latte if you’re a coffee lover, and social media posts with pictures of your family. Anything that will help readers get to know, like, and trust you falls into this category. We’d suggest centering 20% or less of your blogs, social media posts, and podcasts on personal topics. Keep at least 80% related to business. 

You may be wondering, “Guys, what about those fun ‘How to Carve a Pumpkin’ articles or chocolate chip cookie recipes?” Here’s our advice: If a topic isn’t related to you or your business, skip it. Don’t spend time on something that won’t produce results!

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!