3 Facts Attorneys Should Know About Avvo

There are several legal directories out there, all of which provide consumers with access to information about attorneys in their area. One directory, however, has made it their mission to become the #1 hub for anyone who not only needs to find an attorney, but also get quick answers to their legal questions. That directory is Avvo. If you’re still unfamiliar with it, here’s what you need to know:

1) You already have a profile

If you are a licensed attorney, you have an Avvo profile regardless of whether or not you have ever even visited their website. Claiming your profile is free and something you should absolutely do. Unclaimed profiles are generally blank, which means people searching for an attorney in your area won’t pick you when they see your name.

2) Your Avvo profile will show up on the first page of Google

Stop reading this blog right now, open a new tab, and search your name (you may need to attach “attorney” to the end of your search if you have a fairly common name). What comes up? Your website, most likely. But also your Avvo profile.

If people are doing their research on you, having a blank Avvo profile will be a bit disappointing for them. However, an active, robust profile will solidify your credibility and expertise and make the conversion process a little easier.

3) Every lawyer is rated

Upon first glance at your Avvo profile, you’ll likely notice the number rating attached to your profile. If you’ve just claimed it and your profile is blank, your number may be as low as 5, which can be alarming. Although Avvo is pretty secretive about how to increase your rating, we have written about several proven ways you can do it.

With our society’s growing dependence on web-based businesses and technologies, Avvo is here to stay. Don’t get left behind by refusing to claim your free profile that already exists. If you’re interested in learning more about Avvo, check out our six-part blog series we conducted with Avvo founder Mark Britton. If you’d like help getting your Avvo profile set up and maintained, give us a call today.

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!