7 Foolproof Ways to Create Engaging Content Part 4: The “Inspiration” Method

If you’ve read the first three installments in this series, you probably already feel like a content creation expert. You know how to use the “Top 3” method, the “One Thing” strategy, and the “Success Story” hack to rivet your readers and make coming up with blogs, podcasts, and social media posts easy. This month, we’re back to add another tool to your arsenal: the “Inspiration” method. 

This tip is just as easy to execute as the others. In fact, it might be the simplest one yet. All you need to do is gather a list of the things that inspire you — including books, podcasts, motivational quotes, news stories, and mindset tricks from mentors and friends — and pick an item on that list. Then, use your blog or podcast as a vehicle to share that inspiring thing and why you feel it’s helpful and impactful. 

It really is that easy. As an entrepreneur, you probably already have a folder or list of inspirational things lying around that you can draw from. Maybe you keep that list for yourself but never thought about sharing it. Well, now is the time! 

This strategy works because it showcases your passion. Excitement and motivation are contagious, and other people pick up on them! If you’re inspired by something business-related, even better. People want to work with someone who is excited about their firm, their line of work, and being a good person. That attitude has a gravitational pull that will bring you more clients and referrals. 

Plus, if something inspires you, odds are it will inspire your readers/listeners, especially your referral partners who are in the same position you are as business owners.

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!