Build Better Company Culture with These 3 Success Tips

This article was provided by Shaun Buck and our friends at Newsletter Pro, an industry leader in print newsletters for small businesses. Their goal is to help businesses grow to their full potential with marketing strategies that seek to strengthen relationships with their prospects and customers. Click here to learn more.

Before the pandemic, every single person who worked at my company, Newsletter Pro, came into the office every day. Then … well, you know what happened. The government sent us home, and we had to figure out a new way to work! 

I’ll admit it: I was panicking. The backbone of a happy workplace is company culture, and I was afraid we’d lose ours. But things didn’t turn out that way. Instead, I learned an awesome business lesson: If you work hard enough to build your company culture, it will follow your employees wherever they go, and they’ll stick with you no matter what.

Today, the majority of my team works remotely and our culture is better than ever. So, how did we do it? I’ll tell you, but first, let’s get back to basics.

What is company culture?

Company culture is the personality of your firm. It determines how you’re perceived internally and by your clients. Powerful companies like Disney, Apple, and Tesla have enticing cultures. They know what their brand stands for and they’re constantly fine-tuning its attributes, attitudes, and ideals. 

When you have an awesome firm culture, your employees will like their jobs more, be more productive, and stay with you longer — and you won’t have to pay out the nose for training and onboarding. So, how can your firm make it happen?

Success Secret No. 1: Make your employees the priority 

Timeliness is the name of the game. You need to keep up with what your employees value and prioritize those things. If you can provide a positive work environment for your team in an ever-changing world, you’re winning! 

According to the Harvard Business Review, employees are increasingly expecting more from their employers in a few key areas: flexibility, diversity, and culture. HBR found about 88% of people hunting for work want complete flexibility in their work location and hours, and 86% want to join diverse teams. Give them those things, and your culture will thank you! 

(HBR also published a LinkedIn survey that found candidates are willing to take a job with lower pay to be a part of a great company culture. Let that sink in for a second.)

Success Secret No. 2: Keep communication open

High turnover is a big indicator of lackluster company culture, and one thing that leads to it is a lack of open communication. You need to nurture your team, and that means having an open-door policy from the top down. Your employees want to feel “in the loop” and valued. So, listen to their concerns, act on their feedback, celebrate their wins, and mourn their losses. They’ll thank you with loyalty and hard work. 

Success Secret No. 3: Put your culture on display

I just told you how important company culture is to new hires. So, make sure you’re loud and proud about yours! That will attract people who will keep your culture thriving. 

Potential hires will do three things to learn about your culture: visit your website, do research on websites like Glassdoor, and ask questions during the interview. So, you set your firm up for success in all three areas. Make sure your “About Us” page is up to date and outlines your mission, values, and company culture. Keep your current employees happy so they’ll post positive things about your firm when they leave. And have answers ready for questions about your firm’s camaraderie, flexibility, and independent work. It’s that easy.

Implement these three “secrets,” and you’ll create the kind of culture that can withstand a pandemic, just like Newsletter Pro did.

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!