Daily Choices Create Your Legacy

This article was submitted by Steve Cashdollar, an author, teacher, and coach. Steve writes, speaks, and coaches about “courage.” His Professional Advantage training program is a systematic approach to new client development for attorneys, accountants, and other professionals who never imagined they would have to sell! You can “Crash a Class” for free by clicking here.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” — Nelson Mandela

When my father died, family and friends gathered to pay their respects to him. They said things that my brother, sister, and mother already knew.

“Your dad was the most kindhearted man I ever knew,” said a neighbor.

A former employee tearfully said, “Your father gave us a kitchen table when we lost everything.”

“I never heard your father complain,” said my aunt.

I told my brother, “Dad never criticized me. He was always with me, supporting me in any decision.”

“Your dad was funny. What a good sense of humor,” added a friend.

“His family was everything to him,” offered a cousin.

No one said, “He met all his goals at work,” or, “He made great sales presentations,” not even, “He always brought the business in under budget.”

He probably did all those things, but we didn’t care. Not really. Oh, sure, he always provided for us and never complained. He rarely talked about his work except for an occasional funny story or a compassionate tale about a coworker or employee.

Although he often took long naps in his recliner, he was what we would call today, “present.” There was no multitasking. He didn’t take business calls on vacation. He was in the bleachers at our basketball games, band concerts, etc. He didn’t run in late or apologize for not making it. If there was only one parent in the seats at a rainy track meet, it was my Dad. He never called in sick, complained about having to go to work, or criticized anyone. He didn’t comprehend the word “gossip.”

Every Friday he took his paycheck out of his shirt pocket and plunked it down on the kitchen table, saying, “There you go, Marg.” It was my mom’s job to make it last.

When she wanted to buy furniture, clothes, or something else we needed, he always agreed. He trusted her to look out for their best interests. I don’t remember any arguments about money or shopping.

We never missed a meal, a vacation, or new clothes for each school year. He paid his bills on time and probably did without. He laughed often, and he was grateful for his family and his life. It’s both emotional and inspiring to think of how my father lived his life.

Pretend that everything you do this week makes a difference. Try it. Make some notes here on how it changes your week. Who inspires you by the way they live their life?

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