Find Your Niche: Building Your Business by Narrowing Your Focus

A version of this article originally appeared on and was graciously provided by Paula Black. Paula Black is one of the world’s leading business and professional development coaches for lawyers, entrepreneurs & service providers, award-winning author & speaker.

Over the past two decades, I’ve counseled and coached thousands of lawyers and other professionals in the art of business development. One of the most important topics that I help them think through is the idea of focusing on a niche as you develop your business. This is the process of taking your practice or your business from a generalist to a specialist.

When you become known as an expert in a specific niche, it becomes much easier to develop your business. It will be much easier for your network to understand what you do and what type of clients you like to work with. You will find that clients begin to seek you out, specifically, because you’re known as an expert in your niche. And you will most certainly see an increase in referrals. 

What does it mean to find your niche?

In law, finding a niche means focusing on a specific practice area — like estate planning — rather than marketing yourself as a generalist who will handle any type of legal matter. In real estate, choosing a niche could mean representing a certain type of seller, like lake homes or condominiums on the beach. No matter what industry you’re in, the principle is the same: You’ll be more successful in building your business if you focus on a specific niche and a specific target market. 

For example, I have a client who chose a very specific niche because she was fascinated by the work — Interpol Red Notice Defense. She became an expert in the area, began writing and creating content around that niche, and very quickly she became a globally recognized expert. Now, many clients seek her out specifically for help in that area and her referrals have dramatically increased as well.

But, I recognize that this is a challenging process for many professionals. The idea of choosing a niche is scary, because it often feels like you’re limiting yourself — like you’re going to miss out on everything outside of your chosen niche. And it can feel overwhelming. How do you even begin the process of finding your niche?

Here are some of the steps to get started, and an explanation of why you don’t need to worry about “missing out” on opportunities outside your niche.

1. Start by reflecting on your current clientele and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Look back on your last few client projects. Which ones were the most enjoyable? Why?
  • What aspects of the project really lit your fire? What, specifically, did you enjoy about the project?
  • Are there certain characteristics and “types” of clients you really enjoy working with? Do you like working with business owners? Young parents? Career-minded professionals? 
  • How do your personal passions, values, and beliefs influence the type of work that you do?
  • Do you see any opportunities to tie your passions into the work you do for your clients?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start to build a profile of your ideal client. It’s okay if you don’t have a lot of experience in your new niche — your marketing is meant to focus on what you want and not what you already have. My client built her niche around Interpol Red Notice Defense even though she only had one of those cases at the time. 

2. Do your research to ensure proper fit.

You may need to develop more skills or do more research in the area you choose as your niche. You will find that this work will come easily. Why? Because it is work that you’re passionate about. When you identify your niche, it becomes much easier to tell people what you do. And it becomes much easier for them to remember what you do. You will find that it is much easier to attract referrals when you have a focused niche. 

Now, here’s the best part: If you have the opportunity to take on clients and projects outside of your chosen niche, you can still say “yes” if you want to. Just because you’re marketing yourself toward a specific niche does not mean you can only accept work in that niche. 

Step out of your comfort zone. Choosing your niche will be one of the most important decisions you make as you build your business.

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!