Four Legal Marketing Misconceptions

You must determine your goals before developing a marketing plan or strategy. Marketing is as broad a term as legal counseling. Under both umbrellas, there are a multitude of disciplines that apply to different types of problems. All four marketing misconceptions we outline can be traced back to this thought process. 

Misconception #1: Blogs are for SEO

Some marketing companies (we’re not one of them) view blogs as a means of packing keywords, providing backlinks, and serving as a platform for internal linking. The theory is that the blog provides a landing spot for a Google algorithm to find. Though there have been leaks, Google has never outright told people what its algorithm is. 

Rather than writing for Google, provide valuable information to your clients through your blogs. When someone is referred to you, they will look you up. (This is the easiest way to ensure you land on the first page of Google.) You want them to access a blog that provides the much-needed solutions to their problems when they visit your website. When they see pages of blogs, they’ll view you as a credible expert in your field. This brings a prospect one step closer to choosing you as their attorney. 

Misconception #2: Only Large Firms can Market Themselves

Larger firms have a bigger budget, more attorneys, and may even have a marketing department. Here’s one thing that they don’t have: your network. How many people have you helped throughout your career? These same people are the ones who will strongly recommend you to others. A referral from a friend, family member, or trusted colleague is infinitely more substantial than any billboard, email, or SEO result. 

Stay in contact with your network by sending them newsletters and asking them to follow you on social media. The idea is that they won’t forget you, especially when someone asks them if they know any good attorneys. If you have been in practice for several years and have built up your network, then you possess a massive source of new business. Instead of competing with larger firms for cold leads, utilize your network. 

Misconception #3: I Am All Set with Referrals 

You will get referrals without marketing your firm. The mistake people make is assuming that avenue is covered because they are getting referrals. They then consider marketing tools for lead generation and hunting down cold leads. The problem is that they only get a fraction of the referrals they could get if they market to their existing network. 

We have had clients triple their referrals by having a newsletter and a presence on social media. Before shifting your attention to lead generation (people who have never heard of you), figure out where you top out on referrals. You may find that you will never need to spend money on other marketing initiatives. 

Misconception #4: Email Marketing Is Dead

By the end of 2024, email marketing is expected to generate over $12 billion in revenue. Though the numbers show that email marketing isn’t dead, people assume it has been replaced with social media. Many of the principles modern marketing gurus use can be traced back to ideas elaborated upon decades ago. Any good copywriter has read Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins, which was published in 1923. Social media is merely a new avenue to employ timeless techniques.   

Things such as spam filters forced email marketers to spend more time creating engaging and relevant content. Even though the average person receives about 121 emails daily, it doesn’t detract from email marketing. Why? People have become diligent about what comes in their inboxes. Anyone who stays subscribed to your email newsletter wants to join your circle. Your job is to create the newsletter that they will want to read. If you provide value, then people will invite you in. 

Focus on What Actually Works

Marketing your law firm doesn’t have to be complicated, but it must be intentional. The key is staying top of mind, providing value, and nurturing relationships. Whether through blogs, email newsletters, or social media, your efforts should highlight your expertise and connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

By avoiding these common misconceptions and focusing on what truly works, you’ll see more referrals, attract better clients, and build a stronger reputation—without chasing every new marketing trend. Keep it simple and stay consistent.

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!