Social Media Marketing: How to Enhance Your Client Experience Through Social Media

Social media is an effective way to grow your business. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube give you the ability to reach your target market in a cost-effective and engaging way.

But there’s more to social media than finding new customers and clients. Social media can be a very effective way to engage your current clients and improve the overall client experience that your business provides.

Below are four ways you can do this:

1) Give them a peek “behind the curtain.” Social media gives you the opportunity to use pictures and videos to bring your company to life. Your customers and clients will be interested to see what goes on “behind the scenes” – even if it seems boring to you. Snap photos of your team during a brainstorming session. Shoot a video of a product being made or shipped. Share pictures from the road if you travel regularly. This gives your customers and clients a real picture of what’s happening behind the scenes – and makes them feel more connected to you and your business.

2) Provide special offers and deals. Who doesn’t love an opportunity to receive great value? Use your social media channels to offer special deals to your clients. If you have written a book or even an e-book, for instance, you could offer a free copy to the first three users to send you a Direct Message on Twitter. You could choose to restrict the offer to current customers if you wish.

3) Give them useful information. Why not educate your clients in addition to providing them products or services? You probably do this naturally while meeting in person with a client – but you can take the same approach to social media. As a tax attorney, for example, you could use your social media channels to announce changes in tax law and break down the implications for your customers.

4) Reinforce your expertise. Finally, social media offers a great opportunity to reinforce your expertise in general. This happens over time as you build a larger and more engaged audience. But you can also showcase your expertise more directly by posting blog entries and articles you’ve written, linking to news articles you have been featured in, and so on. This serves as a reminder to your customers that they are working with an expert –a reminder that they are in good hands with you, and that they made the right decision when they chose to do business with you.

Social media offers endless opportunities for enhancing the experience your customers have with your business. Get creative. And remember, the more your clients and customers enjoy doing business with you… the more likely they are to refer you to family and friends!

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!