This post was provided by Chris Mullins, The Phone Sales Doctor for Intake Specialists Worldwide. Contact Chris at phonesuccessdoctor@gmail.com or 603-249-5878. Chris would also love to review some of your real call recordings.
It’s the process you want to fall in love with, not the result that you’re looking for. Reaching goals takes time and hard work. If you only think about the goal you want to achieve, you’ll get discouraged and bored with the process.
Trust the process and everything else will fall into place. Notice the process. Notice the steps in the process so you can remember how each step in the process got you to your goal. The process is the behind-the-scenes real work that must be done to reach your goals.
When we don’t reach the goals we had hoped for, it’s usually because we gave up on the process. We didn’t have the mental endurance to continue with the hard work to be successful. The process of marketing. The process of closing retainers with the “1-Call-Close”. The process of attracting, hiring, and retaining the best team members. And so on.
Perhaps if you focus on the success of the process, repetition, and practicing over and over again, boredom won’t show up so easily. You must do the work. Trust the process and the finish line will show up.
Everyone is looking for the shiny object. The new silver bullet on the scene that’s going to cure all problems. The real shiny object is you, your team, and the process.
Fall in love with the process of RMFD (record monitor feedback daily) by listening to your team’s call recordings and providing feedback to them. Don’t just focus on how fast you will see them make the changes. Focus on the steps, the process, the pulling of the calls, listening, reviewing, and teaching your team to respect the process of working to discover all the hidden opportunities in every single call.
When I was training for my 30-mile ultra-marathon, the training schedule was grueling. It was like another full-time job. Each time I went out to run, the first 3 miles were a real mental challenge because I knew I had 15 miles ahead of me and that’s all I could think about; therefore, my entire training experience of the 15 miles was a terrible experience and because of that mindset I didn’t feel successful when I finished. The days I went out and focused on the present moment as each step hit the ground, my breathing, the woods, the technical trail, taking in food and drinking water, one foot in front of the other, the process—this is when I had a successful experience. This was the “muscle memory” I wanted to remember.
The daily practice and commitment to the “1-Call-Close” is the process of using the 5-step relationship sales conversion script, applying your intake screening question, focusing on one call at a time, hearing and feeling what’s being said by the prospect, providing empathy and assumptive language to close the agreement on the spot.
Use scripts to guide you through the process of building a relationship and nailing the 1-Call-Close. No, you don’t want to sound scripted or robotic. Use the script as a tool, roadmap, or life raft to guide you through the relationship. Scripts also ensure that your entire team is selling the same message. Everyone is following the process of what works. The script process helps your team to become better listeners.
Follow the processes and use them. This type of process builds confidence because your team will always know how to handle questions from the prospect. Follow the steps on your script one by one and before you know it you’ve helped one more client by doing the “1-Call-Close”. Trust the process. The rest will follow.
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