Well, I think the first thing I would ask yourself if you think your Web sites just okay and you’re really wondering if you need a new one is do you want people to say that, oh, I thought working with such and such was just okay! No, of course not! You don’t want anyone’s impression of you to be that you’re just okay so why would you want your Web site to be just okay.
So I think that it’s really important to understand that when people come to your Web site regardless of where they came from, whether they were referred to you or they found you online, whatever it might be, your Web site makes an impression on them. It’s not the only impression you’re going to make on them but it certainly is something that matters in terms of the impression that you’re going to make.
So I think you should honestly look at your Web site and it should make you feel confident, you should feel like, heck yeah, my Web sites awesome! It clearly demonstrates to somebody that myself or my firm that we’re experts at what we do that we’re the best solution out there for whatever the person is looking for.
That’s how you should feel about your Web site because that’s how you want people to feel about you and working with your firm. So if your Web site is just okay, well, that’s not how you should want to feel about it and that’s not how you should want anyone to feel about it.
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