Does Your Website Reflect Your Expert Status?

There are a lot of things that your website “should” do. It should provide accurate contact information so that clients can find you. It should provide a clear picture of what you do and how you can help. It should reflect your brand and make you look good. It should be highly visible on Google and other search engines.

All of this is important. But there’s another critically important function that your website should be performing, and if it’s not, you’re losing out.

Your website should reflect your expert status.

This is a big deal. If your website does this, “the deal will already be halfway done” by the time a prospect picks up the phone to call you, as one client told us. (Read that blog entry here.)

If not, you’ll have to work much harder to convince prospects to sign on the dotted line… if they contact you at all.

So how can you make sure that your website reflects your expert status?

1) Use a clean, modern design. Your website doesn’t have to be a work of art, but it shouldn’t look like it was created by your nephew 10 years ago. It should be well designed and well organized, as a chaotic layout sends the message that YOU are not organized.

2) Feature video. Well produced video speaks to your professionalism. It’s also an opportunity to let visitors to your site see and hear you, which makes them feel more comfortable about picking up the phone and calling you.  

3) Include a special report or e-book. A special report makes you look like an expert (because how else would you be in position to write it?) and it’s a great way to capture your prospect’s contact information in exchange for the free download. The report should be practical and relevant to your market. A defense attorney could write a report on “Five Immediate Steps to Take if You’re Charged with a Crime” for instance.

4) Include an industry focused blog. Similarly, a blog is a chance to show that you know what you’re talking about, and that you understand the needs of your market. Focus your blog entries on practical advice and answers to common questions, as well as on news and developments that impact your market.

5) Include links to social media profiles. Finally, include links to your social media profiles. It’s an expectation that today’s firms will have a presence on social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, so make sure they’re easy for your audience to find. Of course, these profiles should be designed and managed in a way that further reflects your expert status. We’ve got more on this subject here.

Questions or comments? Give us a call at 305-433-4600 for more information!

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Spotlight Branding

Spotlight Branding is a content marketing and branding firm for lawyers and other professionals. Our goal is to help you create an online presence that positions you as a credible expert in your field, keeps you connected with your network in order to stay top of mind and increase referrals, and to become more visible online so prospects can find you!

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