Having a blog on your website can be a great way to show off your knowledge and expertise about your particular practice area(s). The key to having a great blog, however, is making sure you have the right information on display.
Many lawyers make the mistake of having their blog be a news hub where they share their most recent case victories or minute updates to a particular law. If that’s you, you’re wasting your time. Sure, there is value in letting people know you’ve won cases and that laws have changed, but your blog isn’t the place for that.
Truthfully, people don’t care about updates to a law so much as they care about how it will impact them. For example, simply saying an alimony law has changed means nothing unless you can speak to how it impacts single mothers receiving child support.
So what should you be blogging about? We’ve taken some basic topics for several practice areas and outlined them below. Feel free to use them!
Business Law:
- Which entity structure is best? (pro tip – you can write blogs highlighting the pros and cons of each!)
- What legal documents are needed to form a business?
- What is involved in a M&A?
Family Law:
- What is required to file for divorce in your state?
- Tips for preparing for divorce, telling the kids, adjusting to life post-divorce, etc.
- The legal process of adoption
Estate Planning:
- The difference between a Will and a trust
- A brief overview of what each of the various trusts out there do for an individual
- The importance of estate planning for younger adults
- An overview of each of the main chapters of bankruptcy
- A step-by-step guide to the filing process
- Tips for financial health after bankruptcy
- Explaining the protected classes
- Examples of harassment
- What a wrongful termination case looks like
- Red flags that could trigger an IRS audit
- What to do if you’ve been audited
- Explanation of IRS installment plans / offer-in-compromise
- You can easily write a blog for each and every visa available; i.e, what it does and who it’s for
- Overview of the deportation process
- How to apply for a Green Card / citizenship / naturalization
Of course, there are other practice areas, but this just goes to show you that there’s a lot you can be blogging about.
If you need help (or you have writer’s block!), we’re experts in writing legal content for attorneys. In fact, there’s hardly a practice area we haven’t written for at this point! If you’d like to learn more, contact us today.
Spotlight Branding
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