No matter how hard you try, some leads you generate won’t be qualified. Maybe they’re looking for a specific kind of help you don’t offer. Maybe you’re out of their price range. Maybe they’re not even looking for help at all right now.
Those leads are still valuable!
Unfortunately, so many marketers focus on their qualified leads and just discard those that aren’t qualified. But you can still get value out of them!
Every lead you generate is an opportunity to expose your firm to a new network of people who could use your services. Every new lead is a potential new referral source. You just need to nurture them.
That’s why having a consistent nurturing strategy—a Content Loop—is so important for your practice. No matter what kind of lead you generate, whether it’s a “Yes,” “Maybe,” “No, not right now,” or “No, never,” there’s still a way for you to provide value and potentially receive value in return.
Plug EVERY SINGLE LEAD you get into your email list. Connect with them on social media.
If you’re consistently putting out content, you’ll stay top of mind. Soon, the leads that converted to clients will send referrals and potentially become repeat clients. The leads that weren’t qualified for whatever reason could also send referrals. After all, you may not have been a fit for them, but they may know someone who does.
Sure, a lot of this sounds speculative, but the vast majority of marketing is. Nothing is guaranteed. Your search ranking in Google doesn’t guarantee that the right people will still be calling your office just like every lead you generate produces the potential for referrals from that person’s network.
So while you want to make sure your lead generation strategy is producing the highest quality leads for your firm, you don’t want to simply toss aside those that aren’t qualified. The value could still be there.
If you’d like to discuss a nurturing strategy that keeps you top of mind with ALL of your leads, good and bad, give us a call and let’s show you how we can help.
Spotlight Branding
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