This post was contributed by Janet Falk, Chief Strategist of Falk Communications and Research in New York City. She provides media relations and marketing communications services to attorneys with a solo practice, small law firms and consultants. She can be reached at 212/677-5770 or
When someone hears about your practice, they usually visit your website to learn more about you.
As she reads the home page, a small window pops up; it invites her to subscribe to your newsletter by entering her email address.
Now, the reader has only begun an acquaintance with you. Does she know if she wants to receive your newsletter?
Help her connect with you by posting your latest newsletter on your website. When you feature it there, she will:
- see which problems your practice will help her resolve.
- read about a client success story.
- download a free quiz or list of best practices related to your firm.
Now she has a basis to decide and subscribe.
In fact, you should post ALL of your newsletters on your website.
A potential subscriber who signs up in November may want to read about a related subject you discussed in April, or perhaps even earlier, before submitting her email address to receive your newsletter every month.
When your previous newsletters are not accessible on your website, you are hiding valuable content from your site visitors.
How does that promote your practice and attract new clients and subscribers?
Here’s what I recommend:
- post all newsletters on your website.
- cross-reference and link to related content from previous newsletters.
- promote teasers of the discussion on social media.
- include a link to the newsletter section of the website so subscribers may read prior issues.
Posting ALL of your newsletters on your website also makes your content more accessible and engages readers, clients, referral sources, and collaborators on a deeper level.
You may also cite and link to articles you publish in industry magazines, media outlets, and elsewhere, plus any news stories where you are quoted, in your newsletter, giving them a wider audience and longer shelf-life.
It’s your choice. You can lock up your insights in a vault where only a select few (long-time subscribers) will see them, OR you can turn your website into a library with ALL of your published work.
Drive potential readers to your newsletter through activity on the social media platforms relevant to your target audiences:
- post a one-sentence summary and a link to the newsletter on your website as an update on your LinkedIn profile.
- tweet a question your newsletter answers, and the link, on Twitter; re-post it multiple times.
- ask that question in a LinkedIn discussion group and comment with the website link.
- post a teaser with the link on your law firm’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
- put the newsletter link in your email signature.
When even loyal subscribers get busy, their attention waxes and wanes. By posting links to your newsletter on LinkedIn and other social media platforms, you give your current subscribers (and potential readers) two opportunities:
- you increase the likelihood that they will encounter and read your timely ideas.
- you make it easy for them to share your insights on those same platforms.
It’s time to open up the archive of all your newsletters so more people can read your ideas.
And, if you do not have a newsletter, there’s no time like the present to start one.
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