If you’re reading this and you run your own firm, chances are that marketing activities are typically the first things to go on the back burner when things get busy. Conversely, if you’re reading this and you’re the marketing person for a small firm, it can be easy to focus on your biggest initiatives and let smaller activities fall through the cracks. Here are a few small things you can do right now that can provide big benefits.
1. Update Your LinkedIn Profile
If you’re the firm owner, update your personal profile. Here’s a quick checklist of things to work on:
- Make sure your headline accurately explains what you do and how you help.
- Make sure your profile picture is a professional headshot.
- Make sure your About section includes an expansion of how you help and provides a snapshot of your prior history to let people know how you got to where you are today.
- Make sure your prior experience is up to date.
- Make sure all of your licenses and certifications are included.
2. Make New Connections
LinkedIn also provides suggestions on people who might be in your network. Peruse this list and connect with 5–10 people you know or others that might make for good referral sources.
3. Write a Blog
Here’s the thing—do NOT spend all day on this. Give yourself an hour at most. Write about something you know as it relates to your firm and include the 3 most important things your audience should know about that topic. You do NOT need to cover every possible scenario or get deep into the weeds. Keep it surface-level. Be sure to post it to your website when you’re done.
4. Review Your Firm’s Website
Check your Home and About page and make sure your messaging is up to date. Make sure your practice area pages are accurate as well, ensuring that they encompass your service offerings.
5. Join Spotlight Insider
Is this a little self-serving? Sure. But joining Spotlight Insider ensures that you’ll receive more great tips like this (and other content!) delivered right to your inbox each week. We’ll also be rolling out more features and perks as time goes on. Don’t miss out!
Spotlight Branding
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