Multi-million dollar brands spend a huge part of their marketing budget on making sure their products or services are seen as the best. Nike is seen as the leader in sports apparel, Rolex as a premium watch, and even Starbucks can get you to pay five bucks for a coffee because they are seen as the best at what they do. (By their customers anyway!)
In marketing your practice, the same strategy should apply. You want to brand yourself as the expert at what you do, and your website should help you do it.
It takes more than just listing off your credentials to separate yourself as the expert. To make this happen, here are 7 features your website needs and should display prominently.
1. Video
This could be a simple video introduction on your home page, or a whole video library. Either way, make sure its professionally done and looks great. Visitors are likely to click play before reading your written content, and if your video is clear and professional it will create instant credibility in the mind of your prospects.
2. Special Report
Feature a special report that prospects can download. It needs to be something that would be helpful to them. For example, if you are a Business Attorney, something like “The Top Five Legal Mistakes Every Business Owner Makes.” This helps to position you as an expert on the topic, and it’s also a great way to capture their contact information.
3. Blog
Your blog should consist of articles published by you or your practice so that you are seen as a resource and thought leader in your practice area. A blog should share practical and helpful information, tips and insights about what you do, that would benefit your audience.
4. Newsletter Sign Up
Continuing along the strategy of being seen as a resource, having a newsletter sign up announces to all your website visitors that you have a newsletter. Regardless of whether they actually sign up, you want them to know you have one, because it makes you look like an authority.
5. Testimonials
My company does a great job with internet marketing, but why take my word for it? Take a look at what our clients say! Same goes for you. Of course the Bar and other associations sometimes regulate what you can put on your site regarding testimonials. However, figure out what you can share, and do it! It helps.
6. News
A News section is a great place to share what your firm is up to. Did you appear on TV or radio recently, speak at an event, or maybe win a big case? Send out quick blurbs in a News section to make sure website visitors know these things.
7. Social Media Buttons
Last, but not least, include social media buttons on your website, and don’t hide them! It’s expected these days that most businesses are on social media, so make sure your website visitors know that you are there. Even better, if you have an informative and helpful social media presence, this will only reinforce you as the expert.
Is your website going to do ALL the selling for you… of course not! But it can be a great asset. If people see you as the expert, they are more likely to hire you, refer you, and in most cases pay higher rates. It literally pays to be seen as the expert.
If you need help making this happen for your website, contact me!
Marc Cerniglia
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