I’ve worked with lawyers for years, and one thing I’ve learned along the way is that many times choosing the right marketing company is a headache. There’s certainly no shortage of options, and it’s often hard to know what to believe! Over the years, I’ve heard some amazing marketing horror stories. Money wasted and promises unfulfilled are a common narrative in the legal marketing world. That said, the right Read More
Why Simple is Better: Video Marketing
Video is a key piece of a thorough marketing strategy, which should come as no surprise these days. After all, we live in a day in age where people are millionaires because of their YouTube channels. My oh my, what times we live in! The point is, people love videos. They need to be part of the marketing strategy for your law firm. That said, what might come as a surprise is that you don’t need fancy, Read More
4 Key Strategies for Your Law Firm’s E-Newsletter
Having an email newsletter for your law firm is one of the most foundational pieces of your marketing. It keeps you in touch with everyone you know, and can help with referrals, continuing relationships, and creating new opportunities. There are some simple strategies that can help make sure you are sending out the most effective e-newsletter. Here are 4 strategies, particularly when it comes to the content of your Read More
Why Every Lawyer Needs an Email Newsletter
I still often hear lawyers bringing up concerns over having an e-newsletter for their law firm. More often than not, it centers around wondering if it is worth it, and concern that it will just be a “bother” to those who receive it. I do not know how to put it more plainly than this: Not having an e-newsletter for your law firm could be one of the biggest mistakes you make...at least from a marketing standpoint. Read More
How to Select the Main Menu Options for Your Law Firm Website
This may be a topic you have not considered closely, but the main menu of your law firm website is prime real estate. Anyone who visits your site is most likely going to look at your main menu, even if only for a moment. So, you should choose carefully what items you put there. Here are a few tips on how to choose the pages that should be in the main menu of your site. Communicate What You Do The main menu of your Read More
Three Reasons Your Law Firm Needs a Blog… And Why That Blog Belongs On Your Website
We often talk to lawyers that have been told their blog should be separate from their website. Depending on the theme of your blog, this might be true at times. But one way or another, your law firm website absolutely should have a blog. This does not have to stop you from having a second blog located somewhere else (not on your website), but when you realize the benefits of having a blog on your website, you will Read More
Building Rapport Through Familiarity
In relationships, building rapport goes a long way in establishing trust. When considering your internet marketing for your law firm or practice, one of your priorities should be to build rapport through familiarity. The more often someone comes across your law firm, business name, your services, etc...the more familiar you become to them. Consider this; if you're driving through a town you have never been to and Read More
Considering ‘Intangible’ ROI in your Internet Marketing
It’s wise to measure your return on investment (ROI) for all of your marketing and business development efforts. However, in analyzing your marketing decisions and assessing your ROI it's important to consider both tangible and intangible ROI.Just the other day a client and I were discussing a strategy where this came into play. The client has authored a few books, and was thinking through if their website should Read More
Keeping Up With Google: The New Approach to SEO
We are always very quick to explain to our clients that there is more to internet marketing than just SEO. Building your credibility and using social media and e-newsletters to stay connected with contacts are some of the most crucial strategies you should undertake through internet marketing.That being said, most professionals are still intrigued by Google search results, and how they can be more visible there. Read More
Three Benefits of a First Class Website
In my previous blog, I provided a few ways your website can actually help “seal the deal” with prospects, and shared a personal example of one of our clients who experience this firsthand. But now I want to spend some time talking about why this matters. What are the benefits of having a website that impresses and enhances your image and credibility?It Makes Sales EasierYou may not have realized it, but you have a Read More