It’s November already. 2018 will be here before you know it. I hope that 2017 has been a great year for you so far – but it’s not over yet! It can be easy to lose focus this time of year, so I’d encourage you to block out distractions and finish the year on a strong note, as well as lay the foundation for an even better New Year.
Here are five practical tips to help you do that.
1 – Check in with current and past clients. Make a list of your best clients – current and past. Then, devote an afternoon to check in with them via phone. Ask them how their year has gone, and if there’s anything else you can take off their plate before year-end. This is a great way to generate new engagements, and even the clients who don’t need work done will appreciate that you took the time to check in with them.
2 – Host a Holiday event. Host a networking or educational event in your office or at an outside venue. Invite clients, past clients, referral sources, colleagues, friends. Provide value for attendees – consider giving a presentation yourself, or bring in an outside speaker. This is a great opportunity to harness the energy that is present this time of year, and it’s an effective way to increase your visibility and your credibility across your network.
3 – Commit to writing at least one blog entry per month. Blog content on your website is so valuable. It’s an effective way to demonstrate your expertise, and engage visitors to your website at the same time. We suggest that you focus on practical information for your target clients – answer their questions, provide practical information, share tips, etc. If you’re not sure where to begin, check out this blog entry that I wrote a few months ago.
4 – Launch your email newsletter. An email newsletter is your “secret weapon” when it comes to generating referrals. Your newsletter allows you to create touch-points with your entire network, each and every month (or even more frequently, depending on how often you send it out.) I’ve said this many times, but I’ll say it again: Every single lawyer should have an email newsletter. If you’re not convinced, here’s an article where we break it down further. The bottom line: if you don’t have an email newsletter, you’re missing out on business, so take action right now and make it happen. Let us know if you’d like our help!
5 – Create (or update) your video FAQ library. Video is one of the best ways to establish trust with potential clients. We recommend that lawyers create an “FAQ Library” on their website – a series of 30-60 second videos addressing common questions and concerns raised by prospective clients. If you practice family law, for example, you could include videos like “How is Child Custody Determined in [Your State]” or “How Can I Protect My Kids During the Divorce Process?” These videos should be natural, conversational, and unscripted. Here’s a good example from one of our clients. Video is a great way to educate, engage, and build rapport with potential clients. It’s also something that you can create once and then reap the benefits from for years to come. So make some time this month to create your FAQ library – and let us know if you’d like our help!
The holidays are right around the corner. But don’t lose focus – let’s finish 2017 on a high note and set the stage for an even better New Year!
Daniel Decker
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