Many lawyers have a basic understanding of what they need to be doing to market their firm on the internet. They need to be seen and they need to look good. But there’s a whole lot more to it.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there, and as a result many lawyers are focused on the wrong areas when it comes to their internet marketing. Here are three examples.
- Google Rankings Should Not Be Your Top Concern
Don’t get me wrong, Google is important. But there’s so much more to the internet than Google! Before you worry about where you show up on Google, make sure that your website and your internet foundation positions you as a trusted expert in your area of practice – and that it resonates with your target market. A strong internet foundation will make ALL of your marketing more profitable – the time you spend advertising, the radio ads you’re running, your SEO, or whatever else you may be using.
Google is important, but there are MANY things you should focus on before you think about your Google rankings. After all, what’s the point of showing up on the first page of Google if your website doesn’t impress and engage your visitors?
- Facebook Reach vs. Facebook Likes
I won’t lie to you. Having a Facebook page with 1,000 Likes looks more impressive than a Facebook page that only has 10 Likes. But here’s the thing – not all 1,000 people are seeing your content every time you make a new post. That’s because Facebook severely limits the scope of a Business Page as an attempt to limit the chances of a company spamming users’ timelines with promotional posts.
The solution is to boost your posts – i.e, apply a dollar amount to the post so that it gets seen by more people. The higher the boost, the more people see the post. And sure you can just boost your posts to people who like your page, but why not use that money to also reach out to people who aren’t connected to your page?
This is why we think Reach is a more important metric than Likes. Reach includes the people not connected to your page, but still living within your target market. Boosting your posts for as little as $1 can net roughly 100 views to the posts. And if you post consistently, you could reach upwards of 5,000 people each month depending on the size of your market.
- Blogging for People vs. Blogging for Robots
Much like having a Facebook page with 1,000 Likes, having a blog with hundreds upon hundreds of entries looks impressive. Those serve some purpose in terms of building out your website and making your name appear on more pages, but we believe people are showing up on your blog for more.
But what are those articles about? Are you just repurposing news stories and commenting on how your office can help? Does every other sentence contain phrases like “An experienced Florida Divorce Lawyer…”? That quickly turns people off because it’s clear that they aren’t the target audience. You’re not going to win business from a robot, but you can easily lose business from a person.
On the other hand, if you write blog articles that provide practical information, like tips on how to financially prepare for divorce or which business entity is right for a startup, then not only are you showing your expertise as a lawyer, but you’re showing that you care about helping people out when they arrive at your site.
If you have questions or you’d like more information, we’d love to talk. Click here to contact us today!
John Hinson
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