At its core, marketing centers on getting qualified people in the door who need your services and understand how you resolve their problems. Much of this is done through building relationships through your marketing efforts. This applies to e-newsletters as much as meeting someone in person at an event. Regardless of the method, you must communicate in ways that reflect their needs, values, and emotions. Read More
The Spotlight Branding Merger
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Spotlight Marketing & Branding Announces Merger with Danny Decker’s Team to Expand Legal Marketing Services Charlotte, NC – [Feb 6, 2025] – Spotlight Marketing & Branding is thrilled to announce its merger with Danny Decker and his team, formerly of the Automatic Marketing Agency. This strategic combination combines industry-leading expertise to provide law firms with a Read More
Spotlight Branding Merged & Now Offers Lead Generation
For as long as I have been publishing this blog, I have talked about the difference between hunting and farming (regarding marketing). Content marketing is akin to the latter because it focuses on your existing network. Your network comprises your past clients, people you meet at networking events, and potential clients who are interested in you but don’t need legal services yet. Content marketing is about Read More
The Rise of AI-Generated Content
Content marketing centers on balancing creativity, strategy, and execution. Due to how quickly people have adopted AI, there are new platforms for creating content on an unprecedented scale. For law firms, AI’s potential rests somewhere between efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Because we have said that AI will only replace lawyers who don’t use it, it’s important to discuss how to incorporate it into your systems Read More
Where We’re At With AI
I need to point out that a human wrote everything you are about to read. If you don’t believe me, please put this entire blog into an AI checker of your choice. However, please don’t assume I am arguing against AI—because I use it heavily. The reason why this blog passes AI detection is not because I am using tricks to fool it. It’s because I use AI to help me with various tasks associated with the writing process Read More
Optimizing Your Video Content
One of the misconceptions we focus on is the disconnect between reach and the number of clients coming through your door. In marketing, reach is the number of people who see your content (e.g., videos), advertisements, or messaging. It is a measurement of how many people are exposed to your content. If you were to put up a billboard, how many people drove past it and saw what you had displayed? No one expects every Read More
The Anxiety People Feel Over Marketing
All the advice we give about marketing comes from things we do ourselves. In other words, we market our agency the same way we market our clients. You won’t catch us touting content marketing while secretly running SEO-centric campaigns for our website. We also tell law firms to dedicate about 10% of their revenue to marketing, which we do ourselves. I am willing to guess that you don’t spend that much. The hesitancy Read More
SEO Is Turning Into SGE
During a recent meeting, we discussed the differences between SEO and content marketing. (Our allegiance lies with the latter.) One of the most interesting trends is that people try content marketing and quickly abandon it. Content marketing has existed for hundreds of years, and if you don’t believe me, look at Poor Richard’s Almanack or the Michelin Guide. SEO, conversely, began in the 1990s. When people Read More
Don’t Read This Blog
Well, I warned you, but I guess you are here anyway. I titled this blog as I did because of the time of year. As much as I love writing and being a copywriter, I still prefer being with my family, playing hockey, and studying music more. With that, I hope you are doing the things you enjoy with the people you love the most. These are the things that fuel us, and they are why we work as hard as we do. This Read More
Lead Nurturing Is The Best Thing Your Firm Isn’t Doing
I wrote about the difference between hunting and farming (marketing metaphors) in April 2024, but the confusion around this basic concept is deep enough that it bears repeating. As someone who works with attorneys daily, I can attest that many are laser-focused on hunting. In other words, they are searching for cold leads and turning to overly-priced marketing strategies, such as SEO, that fail more often than they Read More