Whether you’re writing blog posts or coming up with content to put on your law firm’s social media accounts, it gets difficult to consistently come up with fresh material. Not only does your content need to be informative, but it needs to grab the audience’s attention, while also positioning you as a credible expert in your area of practice. Here are a few tips and resources that may be helpful when creating posts that will be beneficial to your law firm and potential clients who are seeing your material.
Keep the self promotion to a minimum. While it’s tempting to throw your name out there as much as possible to get your name in front of people, you don’t want to shove it down their throats. Too much self-promotion will turn people off, whereas providing relevant helpful information will showcase your expertise and credibility. Clients want to work with an attorney they can trust, not someone who is constantly putting on a “hard sell.” A couple ideas for helpful information to post include: updates to laws that impact your clients and your practice area, or answers to questions you get asked on a regular basis (which I’ll touch on below).
Share third-party content. This one is quite simple, yet often underrated. Share relevant third-party content with your audience – media articles, blog entries, etc, written by other sources. For example, a tax attorney could share an article about a proposed change to the tax code, and a divorce attorney could retweet an article about custody laws in their state. You can add your own commentary, asking a question or specifying how that article is applicable in your state or niche specifically. The only caution I would add is that you should avoid posting content from direct competitors.
Use Frequently Asked Questions. It’s probably safe to assume you have an arsenal of questions that you get asked on a daily basis. The ones that you could answer in your sleep, but just aren’t common knowledge to your client base. This is great place to start when it comes to writing blog posts. Take a couple of those questions, group them together, and create a post answering them. Make sure you keep the “legalese” to a minimum to keep your readers engaged for the whole post. This is a fantastic way to demonstrate your mastery of the topics and build rapport with potential clients at the same time
Mix it up. Obviously, you’re a professional and you take your practice seriously. But don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through a little bit. You want to come across trustworthy and personable to potential clients, and one of the best ways to do that is to show that you’re a human being just like them. This could mean including a little humor in your material, or a quote and image to break up the feed of “serious” posts.
The key principle to remember with your content – whether that’s written content on your website, blog entries, social media content, video – is to always provide value to your readers. Look for opportunities to inform and educate them. Help them understand their situation and their options.The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. When you’re legitimately providing value to your prospective clients, you’re building your own credibility and authority in the process. You’re breaking down walls and making it easier for them to hire you, re-hire you, and regularly send referrals your way. Contact us today to learn more!
Jana Eatman
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