You’ve probably heard this term before: Niches Get Riches. It definitely isn’t a new discovery, and it certainly isn’t unique to the legal industry. If you needed heart surgery, you’d want to go to a cardiovascular specialist, not a general practitioner who just fixed a broken arm. Heart surgery is a delicate procedure. You want to go to the person whose only job is to know everything about the heart and Read More
Coca Cola and Your Marketing Strategy
What could the world’s most popular soda possibly have in common with the marketing strategy of your small law firm? (Don’t tune out now if you’re #TeamPepsi, this blog is still applicable!) More than you might think. Let’s dive into why they market the way they do, who they’re marketing to, and what their goals are with their advertising channels. When you first read the title of this blog, I doubt you (or Read More
What Can You Do OFF the Internet to Get the Most Out of Your Marketing?
Your internet foundation is critical in bringing in referrals, repeat business, and keeping your expert status on the top of potential clients’ minds. These themes are core focuses at Spotlight Branding, and are vital for your law firm’s internet presence. However, there is more that you can (and should) do off the internet to make all those marketing systems work to their full potential. The first place to Read More
Becoming Unforgettable in 2018
We’re a week into 2018, and this is a great time to set plans and goals for the New Year. We’d argue that one of your most important goals, from a marketing and business development standpoint, should be to become unforgettable. This means two things - it means building a strong brand that creates credibility and makes you memorable. And it means putting systems in place to stay top-of-mind with your network - Read More
Should I Use Instagram in my Marketing?
There are a lot of social media channels out there, and some are much more popular than others; i.e. Facebook and Twitter. Instagram is also extremely popular, especially among people aged 18-29. As the age increases, their likelihood of being active on the app declines. But the popularity of this platform brings up the valid question: Should Instagram be used in a small law firm’s marketing? The short answer: Read More
I Just Opened My Law Firm, Where Should I Start With My Marketing?
Opening your own law firm, especially straight out of law school, can be overwhelming. Unless you happen to win the lottery, chances are you don’t have a giant pile of cash lying around to put towards your law firm; especially when you’re still working to pay back those student loans. At a time when it’s very important to allocate funds carefully, here is how we recommend you proceed: Focus on the resource you Read More
What Are the Most Important Functions of a Good Law Firm Website?
While there are many components to a good law firm website, today we’re going to cover a few of the most important features. You want your website to portray the following three things to potential clients, and anyone who visits your website: 1) Make it clear what you do and who you help. Within the first few seconds that someone is on your website, they should be able to tell what you do, and if you can help them Read More
What Are Good Blog Topic Ideas For My Law Firm?
If you’re thinking of starting a blog, it can be a little overwhelming to think of what you should write about. Every blog is different and finding out how to sculpt yours can be challenging, but here’s what we recommend for small law firm blog topics: Answer the questions your clients ask you on a regular basis. Ideally, you’ll want to publish a blog post weekly or bi-weekly, and definitely one a month at the Read More
7 Deadly Sins of Internet Marketing
I recently saw a list of "7 Deadly Digital Marketing Sins" and it got me thinking...What are some of the big "sins" of internet marketing that we see lawyers committing frequently? In no particular order, here are my top 7 internet marketing sins that should be avoided: Superman Syndrome - You're smart and you're a great lawyer - but that doesn't mean you should try and do everything at your law firm all by Read More
Law Firm 500 Recap
Our team is back from Boca Raton, where we were proud sponsors of the the second annual Law Firm 500 Conference. We love this event, which celebrates the fastest-growing law firms in the country, and we'll be sponsoring the 2018 edition as well. We were particularly proud this year to see that 10 of our clients made the list! We arrived Thursday afternoon to beautiful Boca Raton, FL to set up our booth and settle Read More