Why Your Website Should Offer a Free Resource

Offering a Free Resource on your law firm website – available to visitors for free, in exchange for their email address – is a big opportunity that many lawyers aren’t taking advantage of. Let’s talk about why.

In fact, we refer to it as a “secret weapon” that you can deploy. Here are a few reasons why this is a big deal:

Credibility. When you do research for yourself to find a professional in a certain field, you want to make sure they’re credible and knowledgeable. Let’s say you’re searching for a doctor or mechanic. If their website had a section dedicated to resources and content they had created, it would show you that they’re an expert on that subject. When people search for a lawyer, it’s normally during a stressful time, and they want to know that they are putting their faith in someone who can efficiently help them and has the expertise and knowledge to get them through a rough time. Creating a free resource and including it on your website “proves” your expertise.

Capture contact information. Offering a free download gives you a chance to capture contact information from potential clients. You’re much more likely to persuade someone to give you their contact information if something is in it for them. In exchange for their email address, they’ll receive access to the free resource that you have created. It’s a win-win situation, because now you can add them to your email list, continue to stay in touch with them, and make sure you stay on the top of their mind. When the need arises for a lawyer, you’ll be the first person they call because you’ve created a system to stay in touch with them. This is a very big deal – imagine if you had a way to stay in touch with many of your website visitors, rather than them being “gone forever” after they leave your website. That’s what your Free Resource can provide.

Prove that you care by adding value to potential clients. Lawyers must confront the stereotype that they’re in it primarily for the money – not serving clients. Unfortunately, that’s a prevailing stereotype among many consumers. And while we all know that isn’t the case, that’s the reality that must be addressed. By giving away great information, you’re showing everyone that comes to your website that you care about making sure they are informed, whether or not they end up hiring you. This demonstrates your desire to provide valuable information to anyone who needs it, not just those who pay for your services. And that will go a long way with potential clients who are on the fence.

So what should this Free Resource consist of? There are a variety of options – including infographics, a Special Report or White Paper, or even a video course. The infographic should be informative, but also visually appealing. It could include some answers to frequently asked questions or information about the basic problems that you solve for your clients. A Special Report or White Paper could educate potential clients on what to do if they run into a challenge – for example, if you do PI law, you could create a report entitled “What to Do if You’re in a Car Accident: Five First Steps.”

Please contact us today if you’d like to know more!


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Jana Eatman

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